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Useful electrical information and advice from our electrical experts, and all the latest company news.

  • Electrical Safety

Is you home safe?

October 11th, 2017|Tags: |

Know the risks Government statistics show that almost half of all accidental fires in the UK are caused by an electrical accident in the home. Electricity is now the number one cause of accidental fires in the UK.Domestic homes are using more and more electrical appliances than 20 years ago. With the advancement of modern technology, homeowners are more reliant on their electrical installation than ever before. From powering entertainment systems and kitchen appliances to charging mobile phones and tablets, to even charging their car. So the risk of electrical accidents is becoming much greater.  How old is your wiring? Faulty and ageing wiring is one of the major causes of electrical fires in the home. You can avoid these by having regular checks

  • Certified Electrician

Certified Electrician

February 14th, 2017|Tags: , |

Certificate of Recognition from the NICEIC We are delighted to celebrate a 25 year relationship with the NICEIC. This is a fantastic achievement, showing our continued commitment in delivering electrical safety to our customers as certified electricians.The NICEIC has recently celebrated its 60th anniversary and they wanted to use this as an opportunity to celebrate their contractors milestones too.About the NICEICThe NICEIC was formed in 1956, when there was a lack of uniformed standards for wiring and no regulation of anyone carrying out electrical work. Since then, a lot has changed in the electrical industry, marking this certificate as recognition for the tireless work SMT have delivered in raising the standards of installations across the industry.NICEIC is the UK’s leading voluntary regulatory body for the electrical contracting industry.

Award Winners

July 20th, 2016|Tags: |

Excellent Contractor Award Winners “We are pleased to announce that SMT are proud winners of the “Excellent Contractor Awards 2016″The winners of Newcastle University’s ‘Excellent Contractor/Consultant/ Supplier Award Scheme’ were announced at a celebratory lunch presentation on Thursday 7 July 2016. The awards scheme was developed in 2009 to provide contractors with recognition for excellent performance whilst working on University contracts. The scheme has since been extended to include consultants and suppliersUniversity managers score contractors and consultants against a range of important key performance indicators:Health and SafetyQualityEnvironmental SustainabilityTo ensure that companies of varying sizes can compete on an even playing field, companies are categorised into three bands according to the number of employees and turnover.The Newcastle University Estate Support Service works in partnership with contractors

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As NICEIC approved electricians, we are assessed on a regular basis to ensure that we are competent and capable of meeting relevant technical and safety standards. Ensuring that we provide quality electrical services to our customers. As a company we strive to maintain the highest industry standards. We have a 25 year relationship with the NICEIC, showing our continued commitment in delivering electrical safety to our customers as certified electricians.

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