We managed to provide dramatically improved lighting levels with an even spread of light using LED lighting throughout.
A project which involved providing a complete design and installation of the lighting for the farms dairy shed. The project also involved replacing the sub-main cable to the shed.
In this case, we managed to provide dramatically improved lighting levels with an even spread of light using LED lighting throughout. Research has shown that increased daylight using LED lighting can increase milk production.
Influence of artificial lighting in milk production of dairy cows
Evidence shows that milkoutput and feed intake of lactating cows is highest with light periods of 16-18 hours per day and with a lighting level of at least 160-200 lux.
Long day length would appear to alter the secretion of a number of hormones. Such hormonal shifts are not unique to cows and drive the commonly observed changes in reproductive activity in other species, too. Long days reduce the duration of elevated melatonin and produce higher secretion of the hormone insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). Higher IGF-I is thought to increase milk yield.
On average, it is expected that cows on long days will produce an average of two litres more than control animals on natural photoperiod.
It is important to balance extended daylight with periods of darkness. However, light